Things Are Always Working Out for You

Things don't always go according to your plan.

Sometimes it seems like life comes in and f*cks things up.

There are plenty of reasons for you to feel disappointed.

There are plenty of reasons you can find to beat yourself up.

There are plenty of reasons you can find that affirm that things are going wrong.

And you'd be justified for all of it.  

You thought you'd be much "farther along" than you find yourself to be at this age or stage in life,

Your finances are in shambles and you're barely scraping by or you have less money than you want or wish for,

Your relationship is going south, north, east and west - certainly not what you had fancied,

You have no relationship,

You're in a job that isn’t your dream job (not even close),

Your company is on the brink of bankruptcy,

You've been injured in an accident,

You've been given a diagnosis that you clearly don't want,

Your kids are deviating far from what you would ever wish for them,

You're living in NYC when you thought you'd be laying on a beach sipping on a margarita by now. 

Things are just different than what you thought, hoped, dreamed or imagined they would be and your interpretation of that is - that it's not working out for you.

But what if it is?

What if it's always working out for you?

What if this thing (the thing that you're currently perceiving as going wrong) is the fastest path to what you want? 

What if you knew that this is all part of the process of you discovering who you are?

What if you knew that this is all part of you understanding something in a deeper and more meaningful way?

What if you knew that no matter how this looks, it's still - always was, and always will be - working out for you?

If you knew that no matter what you're living, it's always for your benefit and not to your detriment, that nothing is going wrong no matter how it looks, and that things are always working out for you, do you think that you could start to perceive things differently and put them in a "righter" place for yourself?  

Does it not feel better to believe (or at least hope) that things are still working out for you?

Does it not feel better to believe that there are treasures to be found even in the midst of what you've been perceiving as something going wrong?

Does it not feel better to feel hopeful that it's working out vs. believing that you're in the wrong place, wrong time, wrong body, that you've done something wrong, or that you're being "punished" for something you've done in this or some past life time?  

You may not be experiencing what you thought you would be right now, but can you at least try to make peace with where you are?  You are where you are, afterall...

Can you decide to lean your perspective, your mood and your attitude to what feels better to you about this?

Can you decide that the improvements or changes you're seeking don't have to happen right now, before you decide to change your mood and attitude about them? 

Can you think of other things in your life that feel good to you rather than fixate on this thing that you perceive is wrong or out-of-place?

Can you decide to try on the perspective that no matter what, things are always working out for you?

As you do, you'll notice an improvement in how you feel.  When you feel better, you have access to different perspectives - it's like looking through a different camera lens.  

If you don't keep believing that things aren't working out for you and affirming why you feel bad, you'll feel better much more quickly.  

Why stick rigidly to an idea of how you thought it was supposed to be if making that comparison makes you feel bad?

Why believe that things aren't working out for you if that belief feels bad to you?

There's no downside to believing that things are working out for you.

Even when there are moments when it doesn't seem like it's working out so well, holding on to the idea that it isn’t working out only causes you more emotional pain and keeps you from seeing and allowing the good that is there.  

No matter how justified you are, is it worth feeling bad about it?

Holding on to the perspective that it's not working out for you will have you repeatedly living and experiencing life in ways that affirm your belief that it's not working out for you.  

Your beliefs are always being shown to you.

And even in that, things are always working out for you.