Warning: This May Cause a Heightened Sense of Self-Empowerment

There are a lot of people on this planet who believe that when something good happens it's luck, coincidence or good karma and when something they perceive as "bad" happening, it's the planets, bad luck, bad juju, or bad karma descending upon them as punishment for something wrong that they've done.  

If that's you, this is likely where you'll want to stop reading this unless you're open to another perspective.  Either way, I'm happy you believe in something that makes sense to you.  

If you are one who believes (or at least wants to believe) that you create your reality and that everything that happens in your experience is a result of what you've been thinking and feeling (even if it's been oblivious on your part) then read on.  It means that you want creative control of your own experience.

Listed below are some guidelines to help you with that.

Warning:  This may cause a heightened sense of self-empowerment.  

Don't try to change anyone's opinion of you. You're not responsible for making someone else's experience of you be different than what they expect. (Read that statement again).

Everything that happens to you is about you.   It’s always a match to your vibe. No exceptions.

Stop trying to control anyone or anything. There's no power in that.

Your power lies in your ability to manage how you feel.  You have more agency over that than you might be giving yourself credit for.

Complaints?  They only serve to reinforce your belief that something or someone needs to change so that you can feel better.  Nothing needs to change before you feel better. You have all the power in that equation. Pro tip: A complaint is always pointing to a request for improvement, so when you or someone else is complaining, what’s the underlying request for improvement?

You are free.  Lack of freedom is a perspective you're choosing.  Always.

You're not broken.  You don't need fixing.  Neither do they. 

Take credit for what you create rather than blame. Your creations (no matter what they are) show you how powerful you are. They’re clues to what you’ve been thinking and feeling and can help clarify what you want now.

You were never wrong and nothing has gone wrong.  Nothing is wrong. 

It's always *for* you, not *against* you.  No matter how it looks.

Be proud of the trouble you stir up and go stir up some more.  It's all working for you. 

Stop digging up your past and bringing it into your now.  It must get heavy.  You can't look back and keep moving forward any more than you can put your car in reverse and move ahead.  

Leave regret at the door.  It's misplaced attention on something you can't do anything about. Move on.  

Stop telling that story if you want your reality to change. Start molding your story a little bit at a time to one that feels better.

Don't believe your own bullshit.  We all tell stories that diminish us or justify our position. Stop it.

Don't let someone else's observation of your reality dissuade you from knowing the reality that you're in the process of creating.  You’re always going to be on your way to more. Just like you can be home and feel eager for your vacation even if you’re not there yet, you can also be aware of your current reality, and be excited for what’s in the process of becoming. No one else knows where you are on that journey but you.

Get a good dose of healthy delusion. Why?  Because it'll help you create more of what you want.  What-is, is what-is. Find ways to be satisfied with where you are, while you also keep imagining your life as you want it to be.

Don't allow a current (or past) experience that you don't like to set your expectations of what's coming next.  Most people let their past, inform their expectations for their future. If you didn’t like what happened, or if you don’t like what-is, you must find ways to shift your beliefs to expect more of what you want.

You must believe it for it to become your reality.  If you’re waiting to “see it” before you’ll believe it, you’ll be waiting a long time.

Always reach for the better feeling thought. It doesn't have to be the best-feeling thought, just a better feeling thought.  And then another and another and another. Practice better-feeling thoughts. Practice recognizing when you think a thought that feels better or worse and show yourself how good or how bad you can feel with the direction of your thoughts.

Be discerning about your thoughts and conversations and lean them in the direction of what feels better and what you want.  It’s ok to think and talk about what you don’t want or what’s “wrong” - that can bring you good clarity about what you do want. Just know that the more you think and talk about anything, the easier it is to think and talk about it in the same way (and the more of it you’re perpetuating). If you want things to change, you must at some point turn your attention to what you want…or change the subject to something that feels better.

Allow your beliefs to match your desires. There are a lot of things you’re going to want throughout your lifetime that you’re not going to believe are possible at first - and that’s ok. If you want your desires to manifest, you have to find a way to contradict them less. What would you have to believe for (fill in your desires) to be? In an energetic realm, once you have a desire, it exists. Know that, and mold your beliefs to match it.

Set your goals knowing they're inevitable.  If you doubt you can achieve your goals, you’ve got some vibrational work to do. Gently soothe the doubt and align what you think, speak and feel to match your desired outcomes.

Imagine for the pleasure of the idea rather than trying to make something happen. So many people think not for the pleasure, but more in an effort to make something happen. When you think to make something happen you often introduce resistance - you start trying to figure out the what, who, when, where, and when and then your beliefs come into play and pretty soon, you’ve done the equivalent of lighting a fire and smothered it out. Enjoy your imagination. The universe can’t tell the difference between whether you’re imagining something or whether it’s “real.” Thinking for the pleasure is not only more pleasurable, but you’ll also not be standing in the way with your own resistance.

Affirm what you know rather than trying to affirm something you don't believe.  Trying to affirm something you don't believe amplifies that you don't believe it even more.  What do you know that feels good?

Decide that you want to feel good and don't ask the people or the world around you to change so that you can feel good.  Feeling good is your job - not someone else's job to do for you.  

Decide that feeling good is the new cool.  ‘Cuz it just is. Try it. You’ll like it.

Believe in your abundance. Any lack of abundance is only ever about your own disallowing the abundance that exists. It’s never because there’s a “source” of lack. Abundance surrounds you even if you’re not (yet) experiencing it in certain areas. Stop pointing out where it doesn’t exist so much and begin pointing where it does. Eventually, things will shift enough that abundance will exist where once you weren’t experiencing it.

Choose your thoughts and see how rich you already are.  When you start deliberately choosing your focus and thoughts to ones that feel better, you’ll feel “rich”, blessed and abundant, and when that’s the consistent “theme of your thoughts” your vibrational currency has to manifest as your reality.

Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. Why? Because it feels good and because it’s the frequency of who you truly are. There’s so much to appreciate. Take the time to do it. You and your life will change as a result.

Life isn't something that happens without your consent.  There's nothing random about it. Everything is energy and your world responds to what you think, feel and believe.

You can be clueless to what you're thinking, feeling and believing or you can pay attention to what you're thinking, feeling and believing.  

Either way, you are creating your reality.

Self-empowerment comes from self - not from handing it over to something or someone outside of you.  It comes from taking the credit for all that happens in your life and making the correlations between your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and what's manifesting.  

Practice the above guidelines consistently, and you’ll find yourself feeling more empowered and more in-charge of your life, your thoughts, your emotions and your results.

 Until next time,



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